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Religious Studies


Our first two aims are to enthuse our students, and consolidate their varying RE experiences from primary schools. We want to do this while we also promote mutual respect and the value of being informed. We wish to give them an understanding of both religious diversity, and similarity. 

We aim to provide accurate specialist knowledge, enable students to question what they're presented with in the media, any counter divisive narrative they may encounter, and offer an inclusive alternative. We want to show students the impact of religion on the real world around them and embed a solid foundation for further study. 

All students in Years 7 and 8 have RE timetabled lessons every week. Following this, there are RE centred assemblies for all students that are mapped across years 9-11. These assemblies follow on from and reinforce some of the key learning points from KS3 RE. New ground is trodden as we cover introductions to basic moral theory, expand our view of the interconnectedness and comparisons of different religions, while also exploring the continued relevance of religion in society, and offering students opportunities for personal reflection. RE can also be taken as an academic subject in year 9 and into KS4 and KS5 as a GCSE and A level subject. We also have RE mapped into the Year 12 and 13 Values lessons, which takes a slightly more philosophical angle, but continues to build on what has been set up in previous key stages, critically considering the relationships Religion has with Science, Secularism, Law, Authority, and Morality.

There is a strong intention to develop higher level thinking skills, and promote deep character development. We want to focus on students’ understanding of their personal, mental and civil safety, broaden student perspectives on the world, mirror the school vision of resilient and self-confident students, and have a curriculum which is relevant to national curriculum/specifications. Ultimately, this all fits into our aim to promote students’ capacities to think critically, openly, and inclusively, which we see as part of giving students private school opportunities in a public school environment. 

Our RE curriculum is fully inclusive and designed to give them an understanding of world faiths. 

Every pupil in the UK has a legal entitlement to Religious Education and RE is a necessary part of a ‘broad and balanced curriculum.’ In the UK, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. This provision will be the parents’ responsibility. Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from part of RE, and can do so without giving any explanation. If you wish to withdraw your child from any aspect of RE, please contact [email protected]