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Local Review Board

I would like to welcome you to the Rodillian Academy and its Local Review Board (“LRB”). It is a 11-18 secondary and sixth form academy which is rated Good by Ofsted.

The LRB is formed from co-opted members who have skills which aids the Governance of the Academy, Parents, and members of staff. The purpose of the LRB is to provide oversight, challenge and support of the Academy including reviewing the Academy’s progress against its improvement plan, student attainment and how it engages with students, parents, staff, and the wider community.

The LRB formally meets at least 6 times in the academic year and considers Academy standards, the quality of provision, admissions and exclusions, financial and premises management of the Academy including Health & Safety and the use of ICT.

As part of evaluating the academic provision provided, the LRB considers academy targets and performance, leadership and outcome and the Academy’s Curriculum.

In addition to its formal meetings, LRB members come into the Academy and speak with staff and students about their perception of the Academy, meet with Ofsted when they come into the Academy and sit on exclusion and complaints panels.

John Hirst – Chair of the Rodillian Academy LRB

Contact for John Hirst: [email protected]



John Hirst

John is the Chair of the Rodillian Academy LRB.

Sam Butterworth

Sam has worked in the marketing industry for over 20 years and is a Director of several companies. He is a fellow of the Institute of Data and Marketing and the Chartered Institute of Marketing and has experience in mentoring and professional development.

Stephen Cole

Stephen is a Director of Acume Forensics which is a leading producer of Courtroom presentations and ancillary services including 3D Reconstruction, CCTV capture and review and Forensic imaging.

Alex Greenwood

Alex is an HR Director for a nationwide facilities management company with over 20 years strategic and operational HR experience in the private and voluntary sector. Alex has a successful track record in implementing change.

Emily Webb

Emily is a Postgraduate Researcher at Leeds University and teaches at the University as a postgraduate tutor. She is committed to widening participation and public engagement in higher education.