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Careers Advice

The Rodillian Academy is committed to ensuring that students receive first class guidance, support and opportunities that will help their future decision making in all aspects of further education, training, employment and higher education. The Senior Leadership Team, along with the pastoral team ensure a full careers program is delivered to prepare pupils for their next step and help guide them with their decisions. Chris Jones has been appointed as Careers and Aspiration Guidance Co-ordinator and will shape the direction of CIAG at Rodillian Academy,

As a school, we subscribe to a software package called Unifrog. This will prove beneficial for all students in helping with their career ideas and choices.

We measure the impact of our careers programme on our young people by tracking students' destinations and their progression to their next stage, and by measuring our NEET figures regularly.

Useful links for parents and students

Support for parents and guardians (

Home | The Parents' Guide to | Parenting teenagers (

T Levels | The Next Level Qualification

National Careers Week 2024 4th – 9th March