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Religious Studies


Our first two aims are to enthuse our students, and consolidate their varying RE experiences from primary schools. We want to do this while we also promote mutual respect and the value of being informed. We wish to give them an understanding of both religious diversity, and similarity. 


We aim to provide accurate specialist knowledge, enable students to question what they're presented with in the media, counter divisive narrative they may encounter, and offer an inclusive alternative. We want to show students the impact of religion on the real world around them and embed a solid foundation for the sequence of GCSE lessons and units. 


There is a strong intention to develop higher level thinking skills, and promote deep character development. We want to focus on students’ understanding of their personal, mental and civil safety, broaden student perspectives on the world, mirror the school vision of resilient and self-confident students, and have a curriculum which is relevant to GCSE requirements. Ultimately, this all fits into our aim to promote students’ capacities to think critically, openly, and inclusively, which we see as part of giving students private school opportunities in a public school environment.